Key idea

"Energy self-consumption is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to reduce costs and be more sustainable. Take advantage of this trend and grow your business responsibly!“

Entrepreneurs have always had to face great challenges, most of the time on their own, so the consequences of a mistake when starting a business are considerably more serious.

In addition, if we add to the previous premise the fact that they are also exposed to factors that they cannot control, such as the consequences caused by the excessive consumption of resources that we have made in recent years, the future for entrepreneurs may be uncertain.

However, every day people are more aware of the urgency of changing our habits if we want to continue enjoying the planet we live on, this is where thanks to the progress of technology we are getting closer and closer to our hands self-consumption of energy, which generate, in comparison, a smaller amount of waste.

For an entrepreneur, basing the management of his company on sustainability says a lot about his approach, since this implies that he is developing a competitive body with a view to the future, in addition to the fact that knows how to react and adapt to changes in their environment.

Advantages of self-consumption

Care for the environment

Many of the new companies that are emerging now will be responsible for the state of the planet in the future, which is why it is important that, from the beginning, be aware of the impact they generate and seek to reduce it to a minimum.

Generate a responsible image

Having a good image before the market is essential to create new relationships and maintain existing ones, so the being considered as a company concerned about caring for the environment will facilitate the approach of customers.

Improvement of conditions in the installation of systems

Due to growing demand, the prices of clean energy collection systems have reduced their costs compared to the past decade, making them accessible to a larger segment of the population. Even there are cases in which it is not necessary to make an initial investment for its installation, because there are companies that are looking for spaces where they can generate energy and then sell it to the owners of the space, but at a fairly affordable price.

Reduction of fixed costs

Energy supply is essential for any economic activity, so it is an expense that is considered to be fixed, and many companies face high monthly bills. However, by switching to self-consumption, using solar panels for example, they can eventually have a savings of up to 100% in some cases, because most companies perform their functions during daytime hours, thus making the most of solar energy and even dispensing with storage systems.

Increased security in the face of changes in rates

Linked to the previous point, a self-consumption system is indifferent to changes in market-regulated tariffs, so if in the future these increase, the impact that the entrepreneur will face will be considerably lower.

Profitability of non-active spaces

In every company there are spaces with a single use, such as car parks, rooftops or open spaces in general, but through self-consumption you can obtain profitability from them, the energy that is produced could even be sold.

Development of new technologies

Not only can entrepreneurs benefit from the results of self-consumption, but they themselves can be participants in the process. The greater the demand, the greater the supply, and it is also important to consider that the sector is relatively new, allowing it to be more open to innovations and improvements.

Ease of control

Technology is essential for making optimal use of facilities, so thanks to applications and the Internet of Things, users can easily access information to determine the best time to use the system, as well as to carry out its monitoring and maintenance on their own.

Self-consumption and clean energy in general have a favourable outlook in the near future, since international organizations continue to create measures and incentives that are focused on a complete transition and leaving behind polluting energies. For what, there is no better time to start changing our mentality than when we are starting a project.