Key idea

“The digitalization of companies is fundamental to their success in today's world. Tools such as project management, data analysis and digital marketing are essential to adapt to market demands and improve efficiency. Don't be left behind, digitize your company now!“

Are you thinking about how to properly digitize the financial area of your business, and you don't know where to start? Good news! Because you're in the right place.

Today, I want to tell you The reasons why you should digitize your business and what basic and essential tools you have to use if you want the financial area of your company to be digitalized in an optimal way.

Reasons to digitize your business

There are many reasons why digitalization makes sense, I'm going to mention 3 that I consider to be very important:

Reducing costs

This may be one of the reasons that matter most to anyone who has a business. Digitizing the processes or structure of our company can mean a cost savings considerable.

What can you achieve by using software (or several) that perform tasks automatically or assist your workers? Reduce, on the one hand, the time needed to carry out a financial task and, on the other, reduce the number of people needed.

Streamlining processes

Technology applied to the world of finance and business has no other objective than makingmake it easier to carry out specific tasks. Above all, those that are more repetitive, such as management of recurring expenses, the digitization of tickets or the approval of travel expenses that take longer than necessary and that financial software can do in a matter of seconds.

Organization and increased productivity

You will be with me in that a company that is not organized is a chaotic company and, consequently, a chaotic company can never achieve its full potential and performance. Digitization can also help with this, since any file or invoice can be found in seconds.

This organization has the goal of increasing productivity exponentially. The reduction in time spent doing a task will allow you to do more tasks in the same period of time.

Tools necessary for the digitalization of your company


To digitize the financial area of your company, it is essential to have an ERP or, in other words, an enterprise resource planning system.

This system will have several internal tools, as well as modules, which will contribute in a very positive way to the effective management of the entire administration, automating certain parts that, otherwise, the finance department would do manually.

Some interesting ERPs are: Holded, A3 ERP or Clickgest. I recommend that you compare and look for the one that best suits your company.

Supply expense management software

Supplies are a very important area of your company, regardless of whether your business is a restaurant, a hotel or you do everything from an office. This area It is usually neglected because of the great waste of time it involves, but every month it means a lot of money for your pocket, especially if you have more than one commercial space or more than one office or if your offices are large.

For this reason, delegating this management to a supply expense management software that in addition to being able to access and have at hand any of your monthly supply bills, divided by each of your business premises, I send you a CSV every month to the email of your choice with those invoices and once downloaded, they are automatically dumped into your ERP you can be great help and greatly reduce the time spent on this type of management.


A CRM, or customer relationship manager, is ESSENTIAL. It allows you manage relationships with your users from when they are simply leads or prospects to when they are customers and throughout their relationship with the company, as well as have a real-time overview of the status of your customers (present and future) and carry out a simple review of your results, as well as of upcoming planned actions.

The application of these tools is essential to generate a digital transformation in your business and to be able to take it to the next level. Some interesting CRMs are: Zoho, or Zendesk, among many others. Again, I recommend that you compare and look for the one that best suits your company.

These three tools: ERP, supply expense management software and a good CRM are essential to take the first step in the digitalization of your business, but there are many other areas that are interesting for you to digitize and for which there are also multiple tools.

I'll tell you about it in one of my next posts, very attentive!