Key idea

“The key to reducing heating costs in your company during the winter is to optimize energy use. Make sure you have good insulation, use programmable thermostats and regularly maintain your heating systems.”

In Spain, many companies are already turning on the heating to condition their facilities. The air conditioner It is one of the components that weighs the most on companies' energy bills, and also It is one of the components that offers the highest profit margin.

With both air conditioning and heating, steps can be taken to reduce your energy consumption. Betting on it is beneficial for any business by two main reasons: you reduce recurring costs with a high specific weight in your company's accounts, and you avoid wasting energy which can cause certain practices.

The consumption associated with air conditioning is significant because it is continuous throughout the year, in winter to use heating and in summer to use air conditioning and ventilation of rooms and facilities. Energy efficiency measures allow us to improve the performance of our facilities without compromising user comfort.

What can you do to have short-term impact and benefits?

How to choose the right heating system for your company

If your company is considering a new installation of a heating system or even modifying it for another type of system, it is advisable to first consider which one may be the most suitable.

It is recommended to take into account aspects such as the type of equipment to be heated or the activity of your company, since air conditioning in a hotel is not the same as a small office, or that the location of the premises is in Valencia as in Burgos. The installation must adapt to the surface, the orientation of the building, the geographical area, among other criteria.

Some aspects to consider for energy savings and health in the office

The importance of temperature in the workplace for energy savings and health

Constantly changing the temperature in offices is very common and a cause for debate, however, it only achieves skyrocket company energy consumption with few results, since there is no way to increase the temperature faster. In general, extreme temperature fluctuations should be avoided and installations should be kept at a minimum temperature.

It is advisable not to establish a general rule for all companies, since the use of heating can vary greatly depending on the activity. In rooms such as offices, it is advisable to adjust the temperature between 20 °C and 21 °C. If the installations are ventilated manually, it is recommended to moderate the time during which this operation is performed. Ten minutes may be enough to renew the air without causing a significant loss in temperature. It should be noted that any higher level can have a significant impact on a company's energy bills.

With this in mind, it's important making employees aware of the correct use of heating devices. An objective that can be achieved more easily if the company implements an environmental policy that encourages staff responsibility for energy consumption.

Introduce employees to the best practices, the benefits with simple and almost priceless gestures, the convenience of using facilities that have a very significant impact on the energy bill.

Turn on the heater when needed

The most practical thing is to configure and program the heating several times., depending on when there are stuff on the premises.

If the operation is only performed during the day, it may be advisable to turn off the heating at night and turn it back on shortly before the staff arrive. It is also advisable, if possible, to close the blinds and curtains at night to increase the insulation of the rooms.

At this point, however, it is recommended to askAsk the heating supplier what is the best strategy for determining usage times. For example, the use of underfloor heating designed for continuous operation is not the same as the use of a conventional heat pump.

Heating system maintenance

Periodically check the operation of the radiators, ventilate if necessary or check that the boiler is not malfunctioning, are some examples of good maintenance of heating systems.

The Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE) estimates that a boiler in good condition can save around 15% of energy consumption.

The opposite effect of not regularly reviewing the maintenance of heating systems has a direct impact on their performance and, therefore, on energy savings. There are, for example, in addition to regular maintenance by a professional, security systems which, in the event of a flood or in the event of a fire caused by energy problems or poor wiring, can detect and alert in this case.

Correct insulation of facilities

In addition to choosing an efficient heating system, it is very important that the facilities in which it operates are well insulated. Replacing old windows with more modern insulated windows can make a big difference in a company's energy bills. 

In fact, the use of double-glazed systems reduces heat loss by almost half compared to single glazing. In addition to preventing all kinds of air leaks from the edges of the carpentry.

The same goes for doors and walls, which help maintain the correct temperature by preventing heat from escaping. According to IDAE, placing a 3 cm thick layer of cork, fibreglass or polyurethane on walls has the same insulation performance as a wall made of stone.

Before finishing, I want to remind you that it is also important to pay attention to other areas where heat can escape, such as door and window frames and accessories, uninsulated roller blind boxes or pipes and ducts.