Key idea

“Delegating administrative financial tasks can free up time and resources to focus on business growth. Trust external professionals or your own team to manage these responsibilities and optimize the efficiency of your company.”

If you have your own business or a very large workload, you will know that it affects many aspects of your daily life: not having time for yourself, wasting hours on tasks that are not the focus of your business, sleeping less, not stopping constantly thinking about work, stress, etc.

If this happens to you, you have a problem, but It has a solution. The solution goes through delegate tasks that other people can do, something that will allow you to:

  • Increase your company's productivity: for this purpose, it is necessary that Delegate administrative tasks and thus be able to focus on your business at 100%.
  • Stress reduction: when you start delegating tasks, you sit more motivated, less overwhelmed and you can reduce your stress to focus on work.

I want to talk to you about this and “teach” you in this article, to learn what tasks to delegate to take advantage of all the benefits that this entails.

One important thing to know is that delegating doesn't always mean “paying an extra salary”, quite the contrary. There are currently services that can be outsourced and are more convenient than having someone dedicated to this task on your staff.

How to effectively delegate to your company or business

First, I want you to know that having a peak of work at a certain time is normal, the problem occurs when this peak becomes recurrent.

Hay three elements to consider when delegating a task:

  • Your capabilities: you don't know how to do everything, and it's the most normal thing in the world, that's why, if you do tasks that you don't know how to do, it's better to delegate to a person or company that provides those skills inside or outside your organization.
  • Your energy: whether you are capable of doing a task, but every time you do it you get angry or feel sick on a mental level, you have to delegate. That is, you should not do these tasks because you don't like them and, as a result, they decrease your energy.
  • Your time: you should consider delegating a task when, despite knowing how to do it, It takes away a lot of time that you should dedicate to more important things in your business.

So, answering the question, how do you delegate effectively? Well, the best way is to propose What tasks are important to your business, which are usually those related to your customers and your sales, and you focus on them.

What does this mean? That all tasks that do not have a direct impact on these two areas, you can (and should) delegate them.

The perfect time to start delegating is when the system and processes are already defined.

To make you see it better with an example: if you're building a business, you have to focus on getting it off the ground. This involves understanding sales messages, understanding the channels to approach your customers, and so on.

Once you have all this defined, you can start delegating because you are already clear about the modus operandi or, at least, a manual with the procedures to follow that can be replicated by someone other than yourself.


How to reduce administrative tasks if you don't have a secretary

If you think about what type of tasks meet any of the requirements I mentioned above (capacity, energy and time), you will find one that undoubtedly meets all three: managing the expenses of your supplies.


  • It affects your ability: hardly anyone knows how to manage supply costs, what to do when an exorbitant bill arrives, how to efficiently change suppliers, etc.
  • It affects your energy: talking for hours using an operator to make a change to your electricity, internet or telephone bill consumes (and a lot) your energy. They never attend to you the first time, they put you on hold, they hang up, etc.
  • It affects your time: often, to do simple management, we spend hours and hours glued to the phone or looking for documentation that we could dedicate to tasks that have a greater impact on our company.

What do I want to tell you with this? That managing your company's fixed expenses would be one of the first tasks you should delegate, and it would be very interesting to outsource this service.


Delegate expense management for your company if you have an employee to delegate to

If you have the necessary resources, you can hire a person to manage your company's expenses and dedicate your workday to finding better supply suppliers for your different locations, collect all the expense invoices to carry out the accounting at the end of the month, call each supplier when a problem arises or there are erroneous invoices... And a long list of tasks that derive from managing expenses.

Another option is to add these tasks as extra responsibilities for an employee already on staff, which may require training or adaptation time on the part of the worker.


Delegate expense management for your company if you don't have an employee to delegate to

What is the alternative to hiring a person or overloading an employee already on staff? Hire an external service that does all the necessary steps so that you have all your company's expenses under control.

Although the best known is the figure of the traditional manager, today there are software and alternatives that, thanks to their technology and innovation, offer an improved service, with new functionalities and for a much lower price.

Polaroo is one of them, and this is what it allows:

  • Look for savings in your company's different supplies.
  • Collect in a single platform all your supply invoices so you can download them and consult them when you need them.
  • It allows you to have a manager to ask questions or request steps when necessary.
  • It gives you the convenience and ease of paying for all your fixed expenses in aa single personalized and stable fee every month.

And if you want to know more, you can consult the webpage or request more information through your online form.